School is over. I am never going back. They can’t make me. They’ll never take me alive! Throughout my whole life, I’ve always hated school. It’s a place that seems to favor female behavior and makes it hard for a young boy to develop in a healthy and normal way. My teachers always accused me and other boys of having ADHD and I was sent to a special class for emotionally disturbed or abused kids. Do you know why I was sent to this class? Because I liked to draw pictures of 007, Super Smash Bros, and other “violent” video games. I will admit I was prone to being a bit antsy in my seat as well, but it’s only because I was a boy chained to a desk. Ironically now if I have my way I’ll be sitting at a desk 8 hours a day.
But now school is over for me, hopefully forever. It’s a weird feeling because looking back it took over my whole life with only summer and holiday breaks to save me from the pain. The next thing in life was always school, I was free for a summer break and I always knew my future was secure in more school. I may have hated school but I knew it was inevitable and given to me. I didn’t have to worry about getting a real job or what happens next.
I know what I want to happen next, I want to get a job, give my dream a shot, and move out with my fiancee. But unlike school, none of this is for certain going to happen. I need to work hard and be persistent. One major phase of my life is over, and the rest of my life begins. As stupid as that sounds, it’s daunting.
I am now in the phases of testing the waters of live streaming, video creating, and overall content creation. I’ve successfully made this a daily all-day routine thanks to Covid-19 giving me free time along with this awkward break between school and a job. What I’ve posted is just me getting my feet wet. It’s a lot of work with a million miscellaneous tasks that no one could have prepared you for which somehow makes the sun soar across the sky really quick. I am really enjoying my life right now, even though I’ve probably worked more this week than any other week in my life. The difference between being free of school and working on something you care about and being forced to do useless tasks for a grade.
I’ve been aiming to write a blog post or article of some sort, once a day and stream on Twitch each weeknight. Next, is to find a way to make YouTube videos. Probably once a week, once I finish getting all these other things sorted out. But I digress.
This post was pretty lame and does not deserve the cool title I came up for it, but whatever. There’s a new world of opportunity waiting for me and school isn’t going to slow me down anymore. Let’s get to work.